Visibility Bias: Say What Now?
Visibility bias is a cognitive bias that explains how we can lean more towards people who are the loudest in the room or speak first, or any kind of prominence (status, clothing, money) often finding them more credible and trustworthy than others. This is something that I have had multiple…
Clear-Cut: The Adulterous Woman.
She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. John 8:11 Separate from them in mind, heart, and spirit, Jesus did not stand with the hypocritical judgment of the Pharisees. To stone the woman caught in Adulterous acts. And…
“Know-it-all”, or something like that.
There are billions of us.. I only know what I know. I can only account for one and maybe a few possibilities against hundreds of thousands. (not billions cause a lot of us are the same and there is nothing new under the sun). Yesterday, I came across some old…
I Write Christian
I write as myself. On that day, at that hour, that minuet, and second. Documenting my lack, my flaws, my growth, my mistakes… With the hope of looking back to see change. With integrity as a foundation. The ability to be honest, and able to embrace my human nature to…
The Grace that helps me try again.
I’ve been good at a lot of things. I’ve been bad at a lot of things. Just because something I’m good at didn’t work out the way it usually does, doesn’t mean I failed. And if I do my best, and succeed at something, doesn’t mean I am the best.…
Vulnerability in Relationships: A Change in Perspective
At some point in time, I realized that my relationships were not moving and growing like they should have been. Upon reflecting over and over, I saw myself standing there like a rock. A huge part of my unwillingness to open up or move closer to someone was due to what I noticed…
Hope lives.
There is much anticipation watching this little black line flicker. I return with the hope of writing so much, but like the cycle of life, this smothering repeats itself. Over and over. My words are swallowed. Hope is murdered. Threaded in the next event, hope will be smothered again. And…